About Us

The Foundation is an official non-profit organization that raises funds to help support innovative learning experiences for all district students.

our mission
The Westhill Central School District Educational Foundation awards grants to staff members who create innovative and creative learning opportunities for students. Grants may be awarded for experiential learning or deepening students’ understanding of curriculum. The purpose of the Foundation’s grant program is to enrich and invigorate student learning and enhance the instructional programming in our schools.
Westhill students posing for a group picture
How We Fundraise

There are a number of ways the community and alumni can contribute to the Foundation.

  • Our Annual “Chip In” For Education Event
  • One-Time and In-Kind Donations
  • Class Reunion Breakfasts hosted by the Foundation
  • Our Annual Appeal

Awarding grants for education.

For innovative projects that encourage creative teaching methods. Grants may be awarded for experiential learning and/or expanding students’ understanding of the curriculum.

Teachers receiving grant
What We Do

3 ways to get involved.

Did you know?

In the first nine years, the Westhill Educational Foundation has funded more than 114 grants totaling nearly $270,000.
The Board is made up completely of community volunteers, many of them parents of students or are Westhill alumni.
Contribute Now

Help build
a future for education.

You are providing an opportunity for our educators to expose our students to wonderful experiences and programs that span all academic and artistic disciplines and grade levels.