Helping our children prosper & grow through educational excellence.

Awarding grants to enhance learning across the Westhill district.

awarded grants
funds raised
westhill pride
inspired by excellence & innovation

Westhill Central School District Educational Foundation

Who We Are

Raising funds to help support innovative learning experiences for all district students.

Established in 2013, the Westhill Central School District Educational Foundation was formed by a passionate group of parents and alumni in order to support and enhance the educational programs for all schools within the Westhill district. We are an independent, not-for-profit organization that raises funds through donations, events and sponsorships from local businesses, individuals and alumni across the country, to award grants to provide innovative learning programs across the district.

Awarding grants for education.

For innovative projects that encourage creative teaching methods. Grants may be awarded for experiential learning and/or expanding students’ understanding of the curriculum.

Teachers receiving grant
What We Do

3 ways to get involved.

Did you know?

The Board is made up completely of community volunteers, many of them parents of students or are Westhill alumni.

In the first nine years, the Westhill Educational Foundation has funded more than 146+ grants totaling over $320,000.

Contribute Now

Help build
a future for education.

You are providing an opportunity for our educators to expose our students to wonderful experiences and programs that span all academic and artistic disciplines and grade levels.